2000 No. 2

Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty (PBPV) in adults. Methods: PBPV for congenital pulmonary valve stenosis in adults was performed in 37 patients between 1988 and 1998, mean age was 27.1 years. Results: The systolic gradien(△p) from right ventricular to pulmonary artery was reduced from 81±26 mmHg to 36±17 mmHg immediately after PBPV(P0.01). 32 patients had a follow-up 1-9 years (mean 4.3±2.1 years), and the △P was reduced progressively to 25±7 mmHg. Conclusion: Thus balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of patients with pulmonary valve stenosis in adults, and the late results of this procedure are as good as early results.
Objective: Investigating the relationship between polymorphism of GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene and genetic susceptibility to colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: Genomic DNA of 55 cases with CRC and 62 healthy controls have been used to analysis the genotypes and genetic polymorphism of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes by multi-PCR. Results: In healthy control group and CRC patient group, the percentages of GSTM1 null type were 53.2% and 61. 8% respectively, whereas those of GSTT1 were 50.0% and 56.4%. Compared with the healthy control group, the percentage of null types in the patient group was higher, but no significant difference was found. Conclusions: The polymorphism of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes may be not related with genetic susceptibility to CRC and to the age of onset at CRC.
Objective: To investigate the effect of sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) on sexual differentiation. Methods: The SRY genes of 8 patients with sexual differentiation were detected by polymerase chain reaction and the chromosome karyotypes were analyzed. Results: The SRY genes were positive in four female cases with 46, XY. The SRY was positive in one out of four male cases with 46, XX male while the rest were negative. Conclusions: Detection of the SRY gene plays an important role in sexual abnormal development diagnosis.
Objective: To study the effects and clinical significance of plasmal thromboxane B_2 (TXB_2), platelet alpha granule membrance protein-140 (GMP-140), 6-Keto-PGF1a (6-K- PGF1α), endothelins(ET), tissue type plasminogen activator(tPA)and plasmingen activator inhibitor-1 PAI-1) in patients with cerebral arteriosclerosis and cerebral thrombosis. Methods: Plasma TXB_2, GMP 140, 6-K-PGF1 α and ET levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Plasma tPA and PAI were determined by the chromogenic peptide substrate method in controls and in patients with cerebral arteriosclerisis and cerebral thrombosis. Results: ①The levels of plasma TXB_2 and GMP-140 were significantly higher in patients with cerebral arteriosclerisis and cerebral thrombosis than in the control group(P0.01). ② The level of 6-K-PGF1α was higher and the level of ET was lower in patients with cerebral thrombosis than in the controls(P0.01), while in the levels of 6-K-PGF1α and ET but no difference was found in patients with cerebral arteriosclerisis compared with controls(P0.05). ③ The levels of tPA and tPA/PAI were significantly lower in patients with cerebral arteriosclerise and cerebral thrombosis than in controls. Although the PAl level increased in patients with cerebral arteriosclerise and cerebral thrombosis, no difference was found in statistics. Conclusion: Activation of platelets, injury of endothelial cell and decreased activity of fibrinolysis in patients with cerebrovascular disease may be involved in the development of these diseases. Appropriate treatment should be adopted targettd on the above abnorrnality.
Objective: To compare the effect on human hemodynamics of Gelofusiue with Ringers solution. Methods: Twenty patients scheduled for elective ulterectomy were divided into Gelofusine group (group Ⅰ) and Ringers solution group(group Ⅱ) after the conduct of epidural block. The parameters of hemodynamics were measured by non-invasive contines cardiac output mornitoring(NCCOM). Results: Cardiac Output (CO), Cardiac Index(CI), Stroke Output(SV) and Stroke index(SI) in two groups were significantly decreased when the sensory levels were finally distributed to T_6-S. Then, those were significantly increased after fast infusing Gerlofusine(500ml) in group Ⅰ, but not Ringers solution (1000ml) in group Ⅱ. Conclution: Gerlofusine as a plasma substitute is better than Ringers solution to dilate blood volume after the conduct of epidural block.
Objective: To analyze six unusual difficult cases in 130 patients of radiofrequency catheter ablation(RFCA) for supraventricular tachycardia, and to assess safe approaches and effective procedures. Methods: Three cases had right-sided accessory pathways(AP). One of them was manifest. It was induced atrial fibrillation with mechanical stimulation of catheter in the operation. RFCA success was achieved with unipolar mapping. The other two were obscure so we usedes 11 sinus-ventricular-sinus" mapping and discharged in the sinus rhythm to discontinue AP. Two cases had left-sided AP. One of them was atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) with long sinus pause and fainted repeatedly. Alter RFCA, the following symptoms disappeared. The other was left in posterioseptum AP because his △HA was 32ms. The last case was solwfast atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) complicated with deformity chest and cardiovascular, so we operated the catheter difficultly. ResultS: All the ablation procrdures were successful. Conclusions: The key to RFCA in unusual type cases is to take special tactics according to each patient's Fharacteristic of eletrophysiology and anatomic structure.
Objective: To investigate the relation ship between helicobacter pylon(HP), mutant p53 expression in gastric cancer. Methods: Using immediate urease test and ELISA to detect HP, immuno histochemical staining to detect mutan p53 protein. Results: The positive rate of HP in gastric cancer and gasric precancerous conditions is higher than that of the other (P0.05), but comparing gastric cancer with precancerous conditions, the two positive rates of HP have no significant difference (P0.05). The positive rate of mutant p53 protein in gastric cancer is higher than in precancerous conditions (P0.05) HP positive gastric cancer has a higher positive rate of mutan p53 protein than HP negative gastric cancer (p0.05). Conclusion: HP inflammation and mutant p53 expression have a role in the development of gastric cancer. In gastric cancer HP inflammation has a connection with the expression of mutant p53 gene.
Objective: To study the groin herniorrhappy. Method: Monofilament polypropylene mesh and plug were used in 200 cases of tension-free groin herniorrhaphy. Results: Compared with traditional ones, the tension-free groin herniorrhaphy has the following advantages: ①less postoperative pain and discomfort and foreign body feeling. ②rapid recovery and low complications. ③ Low recurrent rate. ④ simple and quick operation. Conclusion: The tension-free groin herniorrhaphy is worthy of being spread, which is especially fit for the. old and recurrent patients.
Objective: To evaluate the value of CT of the possible operative excision in progressive gastric carcinoma. Methods: CT features of 33 patients with progressive gastric carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed by using postoperative and pathologic findings. Results: the overall accuracy of CT for the possible surgical therapy of progressive gastric carcinoma was 86.7% (13/15). Conclusion: CT plays an important role in the evaluation of the possible operative excision in progressive gastric carcinoma.
Objective: To examine the relationship between the obesity and the incidence of diabetes mellitus(DM) in Jiangsu Province. Methods: Through stratified cluster sampling, we investigated 8 734 inhabitants aged 20-88. Results: The results showed that the prevalence rate of obesity, DM, and IGT was 28.98%, 4.26%, and 5.30% in male, and 29. 81%, 6. 69%, 6. 29% in female. There was significant difference between both sexes in DM and IGT. The prevalence rate of DM, IGT in BMI≥25 male group was 2.45%, 3.30%, and 7.46%, 5.95% in female group. The prevalence of DM, IGT in having diabetes family history was 6. 50% and 4.46%. And there was a trend that the prevalence of DM, IGT increased with age. Conclusion: Obesity and correlative factors were risk factors of DM.
Objective: To conclude the experience of the surgical treatment of the elder patients with lung cancer and even more reduce the surgical mortality and inprove affect of surgical treatment. Methods: 40 cases of lung cancer, over 70 years old, had been treated surgically. Results: In this group most cases had diseases before the operation and the post-operative complications affected 35% of these patients. The most comon Complications were cardiac and lung diseases. Conclusion: The operative intervention of lung cancer in elder parients should be widely adopted. The age is not the absolute contraindication. The good perioperative management is most important to reduce the surgical mortality.